Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=308349353 AND ipto>=308349353 Picture: Garra de León (Lion Claw), Flower of the Atacama Desert / Explore-Atacama.com

Garra de León

Garra de León
The already famous "garra de león", according to the botanists, is exclusive of Chile. Ite has fleshy stems that extend for the floor looking for the contact with the ground. At the end of the stems their flowers group forming a great capitulum, as an unit yearning among all. This cringing species, with stems of 60 to 70 centimeters, lives in a restricted area of the coast of the Third Region. It was discovered decking out the coastal desert in the flowering of 1989, waking up the interest of the visitors from then on. "La garra de león", in their red and yellow species, are considered in the red book of the "Corporación Nacional Forestal (Conaf), as species in danger, since their existence is seriously threatened. Due to their beauty, it is cut indiscriminately for those who have the opportunity to find it. Their court impedes its natural reproduction.